Wearing my tie that Jaja made me. |
Mi familia!!
everyone doing?? I am glad to hear that you decorated the house for Christmas!!
I miss that so freakin much it’s crazy!! Christmas is my favorite time of the
year because of the amazing spirit of unity that comes into a family no matter
the circumstances. As missionaries we are so focused on helping people remember
the true meaning of Christmas right now. That it’s not for parties, presents,
or here in Peru drinking haha buts it’s truly to remember our Savior. His
birth, His life, and finally His death and sacrifice for us. Wow what an
amazing time of the year!
Well Tater
this sucks. I know exactly how you feel because this was my situation last
year. It’s gonna be a really hard time for you but it’s gonna be an even harder
time for your team so make sure you are always at every single practice and
that you are still being a strong leader for every single one of them. I’ll be
praying for you buddy. Tell Dad to have fun and be safe in Chicago and you guys
all be safe while he is gone.
So this was a
good week. Elder Antonio and I have been working our flippin butts off all day
every day to bring these Peruanos unto Christ. It is harder than you would
think because they are all Evangélicos and Testigos de Jehova (Jehovah
witnesses). I have learned so dang much about the Bible to prove my points to
them biblically but I have also learned that it is always important to
back things up with the Book of Mormon too so they can feel its power.
A little fun
fact for yall, we have a ton of freaking scorpions in our area right now its
sorta crazy haha.
I met my new
district this week. Elder Russell, Elder Moses and Elder Orellana are all gone
so now we have Elder Ochante from Peru and Elder Ropoza our new district leader
from Utah. They are all pretty cool guys and we should have a good strong
district for this cambio. My calling for this cambio is the maestro de ingles
or English teacher haha. I just learned spanish and now I’m teaching a bunch of
crazy latinos english every week haha gotta love the mission. We’re going to
focus on Christmas hymns and stories this month!! We didn’t have church
yesterday because of votaciones for the new presidente of the Zarumilla Tumbes
area. It was crazy so many people and riots and parties haha it was really easy
to contact new familias though and that’s what we did all day. A man named
chino flores won the election. I don’t know anything about him but the people
here are happy so it’s all good with me haha. The worst part of my week was
last night when one of our investigators gave us back his book of mormon and
said we couldn’t teach him anymore. He is super Evangélico but he was learning
and progressing and really started to believe in our message but his pastor
came and told him that we are of the devil. He told us he didn’t believe his
pastor but to keep the peace in his home we had to stop the visits. I have
never prayed so hard in my life than I did last night for hermano Jesús. I
prayed until I couldn’t pray anymore and I know that we need to go back to him.
We are not going to give up on him for as long as I am here because he knows
the church is true!! And if I find his pastor in the streets I’m gonna go Elder
Holland all over his butt!! That’s about it for this week just still working
hard and loving the mission.
It’s so crazy
that I have like 130 days in my mission!! The time is going so dang fast!! I
will seriously be home before you guys know it!! I hope you all have an amazing
week and you are all safe happy and healthy!! Perry tell Wishes thanks for
being a great example this year!! I love you all so dang much!!
Elder Asher
Dean Wilson
My new
companion is freakin awesome!! He is from Bolivia and is 26 years old. He only
has 9 months on his mission because he was a recent convert. We get along
awesome!! Like we’ve been friends for a long time haha and communication is not
a problem with anyone any more. I seriously speak Spanish now mom haha crazy
right!! He speaks absolutely no English.
We get to
skype and I think on the 26th but I’m not totally sure yet. We are going to
talk to a bunch of members this week to lock down a place and a time for sure
but heck ya you get to see my face for Christmas!!
I got both of
the packages this week and they are so awesome so thanks!! But ya I already
opened them hahaha. I couldn’t wait. I loved all of the cards so much!! They
all made me sorta home sick but also gave me a ton more determination to work
3 jobs
here.... Work in fruit fields, work driving motos, or work in the markets of
Aguas Verdes ohhh and freakin tons of people work in construction and a few are
My favorite person here in Zarumilla is a little kid named Genaro. He's 14 years old and he's a member of our ward. He goes on visits with us all the time and really just loves to hang out with us. He's built like Tater, long and skinny. I help him with working out because he wants to get big and play for the Peruano national team. He sorta acts like Tate too, quiet but once you know him, he's crazy!! He's a Peruano version of Tate. I think that's why I like him so much. He's awesome.