The bros . . . . and Hermana Rasmussen |
Happy Birthday Elder Gandarillas......22 years old!!!!!!
Our district. |
Our Zone!!!!! Algarrobos
Mi Familia!!!!!!!!!
Well I almost died seeing those pictures of Tater and his
date (because he was holding her hand . . . who would have ever thought that
would happen!) and Perry’s note hahahahahahaha!!!!!! Sounds like they were the
hot items on Valentine’s day!! Here in Peru we really didn’t do anything. Just
avoided the parks because them Peruvians get a little out of hand on Feburary
14th..........hahaha. But I sure was thinking a lot about you guys back at home
and I really did feel your love. Hope you felt mine.
Glad you finally got that package from Gino!!!! He has
been freaking out about it hahaha!! He seriously called me like a few times a
week asking if I had heard anything about it so I’ll for sure let him know that
you guys got it and loved it!!
Mom hearing that everything turned out good with the
doctor was a huge relief for me. Elder Gandarillas and I have been praying like
crazy for you in these last few weeks and we are both very happy to hear that
you are better and recovering. Now just take care of yourself and get ready because
I am 110% sure that when I get home I am going to have like 400 viruses in my
stomach hahahhahaha!!!!!
This week was sweet!!! Highlights:
· We had more multi zone meetings this
week and Elder Gandarillas & I had an hour in each one to present to the
mission and we straight up nailed it!! Our focus was a method that Elder Godoy
taught us so that we can help our investigators to overcome their problems and
be baptised. We presented it by reading a few parts of 1 Nephi 8 about el arbol
de la vida. We talked about the 3 groups of people that tried to make it to the
tree and why some of them fell away. Every single one of them had the same
resources. A path, an iron rod, and a goal to make it to the tree of life but
they also all had to pass through the same obstacles: Darkness, confusion, a
huge river and the large building located on the other side of the river full
of people pulling at them to fall away from the truth. Well we have to learn
that every person is going to have to pass through tests, trials and
temptations in their lives (drugs, alcohol, pornography, friends, family, etc.)
and it is our job to help them to make it to the tree of life. We need to help
them to recognize their resources and how they can use them to make it back to
their celestial home. Ya there are a few other details but that is the main
part of it. It’s really helped me to think about how much more I need to help
the people to have their true conversions.
· We played soccer today and then had a super
huge water balloon fight!! We destroyed everyone haha! Elder Gandarillas even
pegged me right in the neck with a huge water balloon hahahahaha I think it was
the first time in my entire mission that I have felt cool!!!!
· President Rowley wrote me this week!!!!!!!!!!!
Made my day!!
· The two families couldn’t get married
because the weddings aren’t until the end of the month so they are still
waiting but thanks for the prayers and please keep praying for them!!
· We have a few other people that are getting
ready for baptism!!!! Juan, Samir, Lucia, Naomi, Algren, Pricila, and a few
others and I just ask you guys to keep them in your prayers!!
· I have been working as the translator
for hermana Rasmussen in these last few months and it is awesome!! She is doing
a great job of learning español but sometimes when she gives talks or
discussions I have to help her out a little and it’s pretty cool to do. Just
thought I would say something about that because I hadn’t told you guys about
it before. Spanish is the best!!
· We have been working on being more
direct as missionaries and really just explaining to the people that we have
been sent by Christ to help them to repent and get baptised and it is working
so well!! We just try to help them to feel the love that the Lord has for them
and explain the way that they can return to Him and they really do listen. I’m
gonna paste in something that I wrote to Pres. Rasmussen this week that talks a
little more about this.
“I have been
thinking a lot lately. I have really been pondering what our callings as
missionaries mean. We have been called to bring God’s children back to him. I
can’t think of any other calling more important than that. In these last few
weeks our area and really the whole mission have been taking off at an upwards
angle and we are beginning to see more and more miracles. We are accomplishing
things that many other missionaries had told me would never be possible and it
just makes me feel blessed. The work of the Lord is rolling forward and I am
just so happy to be a part of it! There is nothing (not sports or fishing or
anything else) that I love more than being a missionary and serving my God.
Maybe I don’t have a ton of time left to be here but President I promise you
one thing . . . I will never stop working and giving it my all every single day
that I can. I am going to finish this mission in a way that would make our Lord
and Savior proud.
Just want to
share an awesome scripture that I read this week that inspired me to write
this. Moroni 9:6:
And now, my
beloved son, notwithstanding their hardness, let us labor diligently; for if we
should cease to labor, we should be brought under condemnation; for we have a
labor to perform, whilst in this tabernacle of clay, that we may conquer the
enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God.”
So yep, that’s
what’s on my mind right now. I love the Lord and I will work for him until the
end of my life. I also invite every one of you to start praying to have
missionary opportunities in your lives. If we ask the Lord, He will present
ways for us to participate in his work!! I love you guys and thanks for always
writing me. I love hearing about what’s going on and all of that good stuff.
Hope you have a great week! I’ll be praying for y’all!! I love you
all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The church is true!!
Much love,
Elder Wilson