Since Asher couldn't send any pictures this week, I added one of my own. Asher & Tate 10 years ago this month, 8 and 5 years old. |
Mi Familia!!
Well I hope you kept all of my pictures because I plugged
my memory card into the computadora today and it went freakin crazy and now
every single one of my pictures that I had are deleted. I had like 250!! How am
I supposed to get them all back!?!? Ahhhh I had so many awesome
pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well I guess I’ve got a lot more time on this
mission but it just freakin sucks haha.
Holy crap!! Nieve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Snow) Wow I wish I was home to be in the snow!! Its 45
billion degrees here and it just gets hotter and hotter every single day!! The
hats you sent are really starting to come in handy haha. But seriously how
fun!! I miss the snow like crazy and it’s just another thing I’m looking
forward to getting back to in 2 years. And my MAVS taking care of business in
the snow and heading to state!! That’s what I'm freakin talking about!! I can’t
believe that they’re doing this good and I’m so proud of them. If you can get a
message to Judd or the team somehow just tell them to take care of freakin
business and leave everything on the field!! I wish that I was there to watch
that game!! Also tell Tate to freakin learn how to drive!! Hahahahaha I can’t
believe that he crashed my perfectly good car without a single scratch on it
hahaha. No Tater Tot it’s all good just be careful and stop driving like a
woman hahaha!! A Peruano resturante en Idaho!!!! That’s so awesome but I
will have to test the authenticity of that sucker when I get home because trust
me I am eating the realest Peruano food on the planet right now haha. Also
Taters new calling is awesome!! He’s such a freakin leader and he doesn’t even
know it haha. That kids gonna make one killer Elder someday.
So this week was awesome and
really busy. First off you asked if I’ve eaten anything weird in Peru well this
week I ate something that literally defines weird haha. Chicken crap sacs!! I
seriously ate the sac that holds the crap in a chicken. They clean it obviously
(well I am en Peru entonces yo espero haha) but they don’t taste half bad haha.
I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to serve these en el Estados Unidos hahaha.
So this week I had a
companerismo change for a day with Elder Encarnacion and that went really good.
It was en mi area entonces I had to lead and plan every leccion and I did a
really good job!!
I also had a nasty ingrown
toenail this week!! I dug it out and clipped it myself because I don’t trust
Peruano medicine for nada but it hurt so bad!! Possibly the worst foot pain I
have every felt haha but I’m all good right now.
This week we were also called
testigos del diablo by a borracho haha. Basically a drunk guy called us
missionarios of the devil haha. We had a good talk with him and now have a
leccion planned with him for next week!! Crazy people here en Peru.
So this weekend our whole zone
made the long trip to Piura (5 hours) to go to a reunion del mision. Every
single elder y hermana en this mission was there!! But first off on the way to
Tumbes to get to the bus for Piura our little bus had a high speed tire blow
out and we almost went flying off of a bridge!! What they heck I was freaking
out haha but were all ok and we made it to Tumbes perfectly fine. Just another
thing that tells me that God is watching out for his missionaries. Because
litterally we were inches from crashing over the barrier and into a river haha. I seriously thought we were gonna die! So en Pirua Elder Orellana and I stayed in the house of some of the zone
leaders en Piura and they were really cool and in the morning we went to
conference. It was awesome the guy who spoke was a member of the first
presidency in the 70. His name was Elder Evans and he is the person basically
second in command of all missionary work!! He works directly with Elder
Holland!! His talk was amazing. It was obviously about mission work but it was
also about repentance and the importance of repentance for your
investigatores!! He also was a missionary in Japan so he spoke in Japanese for
us so that was pretty cool. The other crazy thing was that he couldn’t speak a word
of Español so someone had to translate the entire talk of him and his wife!!
Gotta do what you’ve gotta do haha. I also met Riley Hansen’s cousin at the
conference! His name is Elder Tulley I think but he was cool and it was good to
talk about Riley cause I miss that fool!!
We’ve been teaching a lot this week and
especially with this 19 year old kid named Edgar. He is attending a university
here in Zarumilla and works all the time but in his free time all he wants to
do is play futbol and hear our message. So we hang out with him a lot and
he has a date to be baptised for the 13th of Diciembre!! I’m way happy for him
because he’s about to change his life and make the best decison of his life!! We
also have baptism plans for Elvis and his family, Claver and his wife Jessica,
and Edgar!! For Diciembre.
Today we went to
the manglares here in Zarumilla and saw some crazy animals including like
100 spiders as big as my face. Today I also cut my hair normal haha. I had
pictures but guess what?? They’re freakin gone!! We’re gonna have hermano
Christian (our ward mission leader) help us get them back cause he’s awesome
with computers. And that about wraps it up for this week.
So I miss you guys like
freakin crazy!! More and more every single day. But don’t worry about me
because I’m doing great!! My spanish is freakin awesome and I am learning more
and more every single day. By the time I get home I’ll be great at Spanish and
Perry will be awesome at the piano. So keep having fun and loving life at home.
I know this church is true with all of my heart, it’s not even a question. I
would do anything to help others receive the happiness I have in this life
through the gospel. So always remember every member of our church is a
misionario so go out and share your testimony with others. I love you guys so much
and I hope you have a great week!!
Much love
Elder Asher Dean Wilson
Yes I love all the kids here they're amazing!!
I think I’ll have another 2 1/2 to 4 months in Zarumilla
because it’s so far away from every other area they keep us here for a while
Yes we can lock our house and even though they say
Zarumilla is the most dangerous area in all the misson we haven’t had any probs
On Sundays we first round up all of our new investigators
on hermano Franciscos moto and then head to church. After church we eat lunch
all together at a member’s house and then head out to teach. At 7 we go to
Elder Russell’s house and hang out and report our numbers and plan for the
week. Un Domingo normal aquí en Peru.
And what’s happening in the NFL?
Orellana and I are doing good. I mean there’s always a problem here and there
but once you realize that we’re missionaries and are here with the same goal
everything works out!! A good relation with your companion is essential to have
the spirit!!
Also sorry I can’t spell in English any more haha.
But I’m doing
great. No problems to report right now it’s just crazy that I almost have 4
months here!!
hardest part is.......I really don’t know. It’s just life now and I’m so used
to it. Actually not having any more peanut butter is the hardest freaking
part!! When I serve in Piura they have big Walmart type stores with Peanut
butter but in Zarumilla heck no they don’t have any haha.