Mi Familia!!
Hey guys!! I’m glad to hear that everything went good
this week without problems. It’s so funny to picture mom doing my part of the
yard work haha!! So does Logan basically live at our house now because if so I’m
gonna need my room back in 2 years haha. Also please keep praying and texting
Aaron I have been praying for him and fasting for him so hard but I need your
guys help at home!! So I officially have over 100 days in my mission!! Today I
have 105 days and that means I’m over 1/7th done with my mission!! I’ve gotta
work harder, time is flying!! That’s so awesome that Mt. View is doing great in
football!! I wish I could be there to watch them!!! Thanks for sending another
package and I love hearing about all the people that came over. I am so
thankful for every single one of them in my life and I pray for them all
So this week was a great one!! I’ll start off by saying
we have 3 people with dates for baptism right now. Claver (13 of December)
Elvis (13 of December) and Jenny once again (29 of Noviembre) so please please
please add them all to your prayers!!
Ohh I have a question. When should I change my
toothbrush?? I have been using the same one for the last 3 1/2 months and
really have no idea to when to change it hahaha. I’m so lost without you mom
hahahaha. Also Dear Elder is working once again I got a butt load of letters
So this week we had interviews with Presidente Rowley and
Hermana Rowley. They were good, actually great!! Presidente Rowley is so
inspired and knows exactly what to say to get me more and more excited to teach
here in Peru and in Idaho after my mission!! He sure does have a lot of faith
in me and that means a lot!! And with his wife she wanted to hear about an
event with our family so I told her all about our trip to Hawaii. I want
another one of those someday so get planning hahaha.
Then on Saturday and Sunday we had Stake Conferencia. It
was awesome we had a member of the 70 there!! His talks were amazing!! His name
was Elder Freaking WILSON and he is from Bolivia. So I guess I found my Latino
father hahaha. Also Presidente and Hermana Rowley spoke and the theme was
mission work and why we are saints and not Mormons. They were awesome and I
want to be known as a Saint of Jesus Christ and not a Mormon so that’s a change
I’m gonna make. We are saints!! Our whole ward traveled to conferencia en
Tumbes en 2 huge buses!! It was a party haha.
Today for P Day we went with our district to Aguas Verdes
to shop for crap and then played Monopoly, en Español, as a district. I kicked
butt and won haha. So that’s about it for this week. Lots of teaching and I am
learing spanish so fast now!! I have such a love for these people I would
literally do anything for them!! So that’s about what I’m feeling right now.
Pumped and ready to work!!
So that’s all for this week. I hope you guys have an
amazing week in the greatest state on Earth!! I’m working hard here for you
guys and just know that I’m always thinking about you. The church is so true I
know it with all my heart and soul. I love teaching the gospel because I know
only through this gospel of Jesus Christ people can really be happy. Also that’s
freakin crazy that Taylor Hart is almost done with his mission!! Just another
thing that makes me know this mission will be so fast!! It seems like he just
left last week!! Well I sure do love you guys and miss you like crazy but I
know I’m in the right place. I love you all so dang much!!
Elder Asher Dean Wilson
Yes I like bananas and fish and onions and basically
every food even tomatoes haha
Yes my zone leaders brought me my packages
Pier is not the oldest he has an older sister and he’s
serving in Lima, South
We have family home evening every week (with a group of
We teach every week at church
Didn’t take the sacrament because we had conference and
then Zarumilla hate voting for the President of this area and that craps crazy
so they shut down church for the day haha
I want: Pics of the San Diego and Boise Temple, always
more peanut butter.
I have Perry's drawings all over my casa. I love them!! |
Ramoz Christmas Tree |
Perry's Birthday sign. Happy Birthday Perry!!! |
My zone eating pizza because we have a new dominos in Tumbes |
A bag of baby pigs on the back of a moto hahahahaha |
The Family Home Evening Crew |
The Center of Nutrition here in Zarumilla hahahaha |
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