This blog is kept by Elder Asher Wilson's family. It will include his general emails and various pictures. It will be updated each week after each new email is received. We hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday. August 28. 2014-Week 4

Mi Familia!!!

Hey guys how’s everything going!?!?! I can’t believe it’s already been a month here en la CCM!!

Sounds like the school year has gotten off to a great start!! That’s great that Perry loves her new teacher pero donde es su nuevo miestro?? Tate keep up the good work bro, I am so proud of you!! Keep working hard!! Keep being a leader on and off the field, there are a lot of people that are going to be looking up to you so make me proud and just be the Tater Tot that we all know and love.

It looks like you all had a great time at Payton’s baptism!! I bet that was an awesome experience and I wish that I could have been there to see that!!

So this week was packed full with stuff!! The first and best thing we did this week was we went proselyting again!! I love going out and teaching the people so much and this time it was even better than last!! Last time I went to a nice, clean part of town and taught but this time we went to el barrio Magnolia. Magnolia is a barrio built into the side of a mountain and they are not houses, they are shacks that are piled in so tightly together that there are basically no roads to walk on, just paths. It looked like one of those barrios off of a movie, like a place that you would never want to go to. Easily the poorest place I have ever been in my life but also the most amazingly awesome place I have ever been in my life!! Some of the houses had no electricity or water, there were wild dogs everywhere (we actually got attacked a couple times), and all the people just went to the bathroom wherever they wanted to!! My companero por este proselyting fue Elder Estrada. He was a latino so we got to speak in Español for the enitre day!! It was so awesome!! But ya going and teaching the people in those barrios was incredible. They were so humble and had such a love for Christ already that they wanted nothing more than to hear our mensaje, it was amazing!! We walked prolly like 3 miles straight into the heart of this barrio en la montania and the people welcomed us like familia. I was offered food and drinks and to come into their houses to rest and none of them were even LDS!! They were just nice nice nice people!! I wish everyone in Idaho were like the people here hahaha. The gospel is so freakin true and it’s awesome!!

The only other really major thing that happened this week was that elder Hatch moved up to the Latino group so that meant elder Volcanes needed to get a new companero. So Elder Mooring is no longer in the trio. The trio doesn’t even exist anymore. It does make me sad but it’s not too bad because Elder Volcanes just moved into nuestro dormitorio so that’s sorta awesome!!

Elder Spencer and I taught our first leccion yesterday and it went really good. It’s actually a lot easier to teach with just 2 people and not 3. Besides that everything is just same old same here in Peru. It’s crazy to think that I only have 10 more days until I ship off to Piura, my home away from home for the next 2 years!! I am so excited to get out there and start up this mission for reals!!!

Ohh ya I went to the temple again today in español and it was once again amazing!! I’m gonna make you all do a spanish session with me when I get home haha!! The language is coming along amazingly and I am still learning every day!! Sometimes I am so tired and stuff that I feel like my head’s going to explode but I just figure I can deal con me cabeza explodar (ing) if that means that I am doing the Lords work!!

I love you and miss you all so much!! Keep making me proud at home and I’ll do you all proud here in Peru!! I hope you all have a great week and that school, work, and everything else keeps you busy, but a good kind of busy haha!! I love ya lots and lots and think about each and every one of you every day.

I just want you all to know that I have a testimony of this gospel. It is real and perfect and Christ’s love for us es imense!! The church is true I love it, I live it, I know it!! Talk to you next week!!

Much love,

Elder Wilson

1 comment:

  1. Asher's definitely got the Spanish down - soon I won't be able to understand his letters! His excitement for the gospel and missionary work is awesome!
