This blog is kept by Elder Asher Wilson's family. It will include his general emails and various pictures. It will be updated each week after each new email is received. We hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monday. September 29. 2014-Week 8 TWO MONTHS OUT!

Elder Wilson in Tumbes

Mi Familia!!!!!

Ok first about our investigators:

1. Maribel - Maribel is a single mom with 2 kids. She is seriously a tough woman haha. She is a recent convert with such a strong testimony. She is awesome!!

2. Jorge, Jadith, and Leidi Castillo - Jorge is a single dad with his 2 daughters. He is such a strong member and even goes on a lot of visits with us. His daughter Leidi is really struggling though. She is 18 so he can’t make her go to church and she is falling away. We have been teaching her a lot about the Plan of Happiness and obeying commandments. Please pray for her we could use your help!!

3. Anderson - Anderson is just a recent rescutado. Which means he was inactive but we just recently reactivated him. He is 13 and awesome. He also goes on a lot of visits with us and he just told us a few days ago that he wants to serve a mission when he’s 18!!

4. Ruth y Jhony - First off the problem here in Peru is there are lots of people who live together but aren’t married because they can’t afford it. That is a big problem with Ruth y Jhony. Ruth is a menos activo so we are working on reactivating her but Jhony is an investigator who this week we set a baptisimal date for!!!! 29 de Noviembre!! So he have some work to do with him and I hope he follows through but he has a freakin awesome testimony and is also really cool to me and helps me with Español so please more prayers for Jhony too!! Jhony is 21 and Ruth is 18!! 

Ok that’s all the people I’m going to write about this week but just know we have a butt load more, I’d say about 50 in all and we contact 3 nuevo familias en la street every day!! Lots and lots of work here in Zarumilla!!

Ok more about my companion. Elder Fabian Orellana of Santiago Chile. He is 21 years old and has served a little over a year here on his mission. He likes construction and I think that’s what he wants to do when he gets home. He has a brother that already has served a mission and a sister my age. His parents are on a mission right now!! He likes like techno crazy music and, in his own words, he has many lady friends back in Santiago hahaha. He likes to talk, like he never ever shuts his dang face!! I actually get really frustrated with him a lot because he has no patience. He thinks that I speak perfect Spanish already and will seriously get pissed when I can’t understand him. So we actually have had a lot of contentions here but I know that I am the one who can change it. So I pray for him daily and just beg for us to get along better because sometimes things are really tough. But it’s getting better and we are working things out and we are good friends.

I also got a little homesick this week. I mean it’s hard not too at some point. I miss home so much and would love to go on home now but I know I can’t. I read a story by President Hinckley about losing yourself in the work because this mission is not for me it’s for the Lord. So I said prolly the most sincere prayer of my entire life and just begged the Lord to let me lose myself in this work. This work is so important it’s unreal and I have a calling to serve the people of Peru for the next two years. No matter how hard it gets no matter how home sick I am no matter how hard it is to speak this freakin language I am going to work my butt off!! I will because I know with all of my heart and soul that this work is true I have seen it touch the lives of many already and I’ve only been here for 3 weeks!! So ya I’m a little homesick but I know for sure that the Lord will help me through all of my hard times and make me stronger because of my faith in Him!!

Ok now a few more things I need:

1. Q tips
2. For Christmas I want one of your cool calendars with pictures and all the important dates and all of the birthdays for our familia and my friends and all that good stuff.
3. Christmas lights!!
4. More pictures of church things and of family or friends because I put them on my planners
5. Eventually, not this time, more protein bars
6. Every home for missionaries has a dvd player so please send, it doesn’t have to be this time, church movies or Mormon messages on a dvd or flash drive.  And we can also play music through there so more of that like cds or flash drive would be awesome.
7. Info and pictures for the my family book!!

Ok so this week was a busy one. I’ll start with we had a conference for our zone with Presidente Rowley and Hermana Rowley. That went really good! I love them they are so awesome!! It was all about how to receive personal revelation and recognize the Holy Ghost and use it in lecciones. It was awesome! It is so important to have the Holy Ghost during lecciones!!

I had a cold pretty much this whole week to so that sorta sucked but its clearing up now. A freakin cold in this place haha hard to believe!!

We had a flood in our house this week!! Water came rushing out of the ceiling somehow and filled our entire floor with water hahaha it was freakin crazy!! We eventually cleaned it all up and the water stopped but we’re still not sure exactly what caused it haha. Also there are toooooooooooons of mosquitos here so we are always burning like these mosquito repellent things and we ran out this week. So without me knowing, Elder Orellana lit egg cartons on fire and next thing you know we have a raging bon fire in our house!! I had to go freakin full on fire fighter and put it out cause it was huge!!

Ok now I seriously love hearing about Tate kicking butt!! I knew he would I mean he’s my brother haha hes blessed with my athletic talents;) But ya keep up the good work Tater!! And you too Perry keep working hard and having fun out there on the field!! Also FFA? That’s freakin awesome!! Tate’s gonna be a dang farmer, I love it!! Not surprised to hear dad sold the car he does it all the time haha but let me know what sweet ride you get!! And I love hearing about football keep the updates coming and go Big Red!! They’re doing awesome!! And the BYU game should be so much fun!! I wish I was going with you!!

This week I also had a companionship swap for one day with our district leader Elder Russell. It went really well. He is a cool guy. 20 years old and 13 months into his mission. From Morgan Utah and he likes to make videos on the computer and do drama and acting. A little different than me but still really cool.

We had a really awesome experience with a family this week. They were all sick with some nasty stuff so they asked us for blessings. That was one of the strongest times I had ever felt the spirit. Wow I swear I could see it in the room. That was not us talking but the Lord through our mouths.

Well that’s about it for this week yall. I hope all is going well at home and you’re having no problems. Always put the Lord first and you will receive his blessings!! I hope you know I pray for all of you every day so I hope everything is ok I love you all so much!! Alma 32 is my share for the week. It’s all about faith and building your testimony it’s awesome!! Well that’s all until next week. I love you all so much! This church is true. Mission work is of vast importance and your boy is in the front lines of preaching this gospel. I know it’s true and my job is to tell everyone who will listen. Ok I love you all but I’ve got to go. 

Much Love, 

Elder Wilson

Bats in the tree behind our casa.

Our desks.

Part of my area.

Moto taxis.

Nuestro area.


Hermana Romez, the sweet lady who cooks for us. It's about a 5 minute walk from us and yes she is awesome!! She cooks something different every day but it always involves rice hahaha. Rice for every single meal here in Peru but its ok because the food is amazing!! And lots of it!

Pier and the home of the Ramoz familia ‏ 

Dogs in the street, They are seriously everywhere!! And some are freakin mean haha These were small ones, a lot of them are really big‏

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