This blog is kept by Elder Asher Wilson's family. It will include his general emails and various pictures. It will be updated each week after each new email is received. We hope you enjoy it!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday. January 19. 2015-Week 24

No pictures this week from Elder Wilson. So I found this one from one year ago. He was rockin the stache and was SO exhausted from a week of finals.
Mi Familia

Were at a different internet so I can’t send pictures this week so next week you’ll get lots!!

Well you guys were right in thinking that this area is different cause wow it is nothing like Zarumilla!! The first crazy thing here is that everyone here studies english so tons of people want to talk in english!! I still speak in castellano basically 24/7 but tons of people here and my companion know english!! Ok so my new area is awesome!! It is smaller than my area in Zarumilla but I already love the people!! We are also working with a lot more menos activos which is good but different. But we are also progressing people como investigadores. We don’t have many investigadores because Elder Mauricio and his old compañero were trunkies and didn’t really work hard at all in this area. So about that yes Elder Mauricio is a trunky. He doesn’t want to work really at all and he wants to watch movies and listen to the radio and lots of things like that so it’s been a good but hard first week. I have really been sorta ruling this relationship with an iron fist haha!! I have to wake his butt up in the morining and make him study, I have to drag his butt out the door to teach and I basically do every single one of our contacts. Ya its sorta hard but I have noticed that even in this short amount of time together he’s already starting to get better!! He’s starting to teach a lot more in the lecciones and he’s helping me plan and ya good stuff haha. I got a letter from Presidente Rowley basically saying to be an example and to never stop working hard and that I’m here because he has a lot of faith in me. Wow that was good to read and really has motivated me to work even harder!! There is always something more that I can be doing and I will not stop doing as much as I possibly can until I get hit by a truck and can’t move or something like that hahaha. So I really have a lot of love for Elder Mauricio but I’ve just got to get him back on track. 

My new district is vacon, its 4 elderes y 2 hermanas and my new ward is great but very few people assist.......for right now!! My goal is to have that place packed every Sunday by the time I’m done here!! I’m also part of the ward choir and I basically have the lead part singing in spanish hahaha!! It’s a great way to strengthen the ward though. We have people that show up to choir that don’t show up to church so it’s a good way to work with them.

So my new area is great, I’m happy, I’m healthy (working out like a freakin champ every morning!!), and I am working as hard as I can to share this amazing gospel with every single person here in Peru!!

Ok so I freakin knew Ohio State would win 1. They’re from the Big 10 2. Oregon can never finish haha man I miss football so dang much!! Glad to hear everythings going great at home and everyone is happy!! Read, pray, help others, go to church and always put the evangelio de Jesucristo first in your life and watch the blessings flow.

Oh ya dad thanks for the letter. I miss you a ton and don’t worry I will keep working hard and tell the whole church crew I say que tal!! 

So that’s all for this week. Just working hard and loving the people of Peru. If you can please pray for Hermana Olivia Ordinola and the Familia Fernandez for me were working really hard to set a date for them!! I love you all and hope you have a great week!! This church is true I know it with all my heart!!

Much love 

Elder Asher Dean Wilson

It’s not raining any more
My new apartment is way nicer than in Zarumilla I really like it
I still want new sunglasses and possibly a new small sports type bag I could use for proselyting 

We have a pensionista who cooks and washes our clothes for us just like in Zarumilla.

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