This blog is kept by Elder Asher Wilson's family. It will include his general emails and various pictures. It will be updated each week after each new email is received. We hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Monday. February 2. 2015-Week 26

Elder Wilson, Rony, and Elder Mauricio

Mi familia!!

Wow a lot of stuff went down in Idaho this week!! First off Tate I am so dang happy to hear that you will be back on the field in no time!! Don’t go too fast and make sure you do all the exercises you can to strengthen it up and then get back in there and kick some freakin butt!!!! Also Perry had an awesome week!! Skiing and a part in the play and she’s going to start off the field!! Wow that little girl can seriously do it all!! She’s gonna grow up to be one of a kind and amazing. Tell Damen to get better for me and tell him I’ll be praying for him and also a big congrats to Lauren and Maise for joining me out in the mission field!! Also all 3 of us are going to be getting back right around the exact same time!! How many missionaries does our ward have out in the field?? I love hearing about your trips to the temple that place is amazing so never take it for granted. Go as much as you can and always just focus on the feelings you get from the Holy Ghost because I promise you that you can receive so much revelation in the temple.

Also the Super Bowl sounds like it was a good game pero yo odio the Patriots!! I miss football sooooo much:(

So about my area. I really do love it like a lot!! The work is going amazing here and I don’t know if that’s because of the people or if because we are doing a better job of teaching haha. Our ward only has about 85 people that attend every week and about half of them are returned missionaries so that’s pretty cool. My bishop’s name is Obispo Sosa. He is about 40 years old and is actually half crippled. I don’t know exactly what happened to him but I do know that he served a mission and that he is a man very in tune with the spirit. My pensionista se llama Hermana Jaime. She is great and so is her food but we just don’t have a great realation with her like we did with Hermana Rebecca because she’s never really around but that’s ok:) Also I am still serving in Peru so it’s still hot as heck haha but not as hot as Zarumilla. 

You asked a question about the CCM. Ya the CCM didn’t teach my anything!! All we did was play ping pong and watch Mormon Messages in español hahaha but I have learned a heck of a lot out here in the mission field!!

This week was a good one. We still have just been working our butts off and we are meeting new people to teach and also our investigators Rony and Olivia are advancing like crazy!! I am so excited for them and I really almost know that we will be baptising Rony for sure and hopefully Olivia. They both know that this gospel is true but Olivia just has a really hard time getting to church.......even when we pass by for her house haha. We’re really going to work on teaching her about the Sabbath Day haha.

Also I got nailed by another water ballon this week hahaha we were sitting in a resturante eating and BAM I got nailed haha they just love soaking white people!!! But no we barely ever eat in resturantes just every once in a while.

I am also still working out hard every day but I prolly only weigh about 170 pounds right now!!

We did a big service project this week. It was a clean Piura thing so we went around sweeping streets and raking up trash and all of that good stuff with about 150 missionaries and about 500 other Peruanos. It was a great project and I got to see my boy Mooring so that was awesome!! I haven’t seen him forever but he’s doing good and still working hard!! I swear he will be one of my bros for life!! I went and worked for a day with the leaders of our zone and that was good. Always good to learn from them . My castillano is coming along great and I can really teach these dang lessons and speak with everyone now.  

I encourage you all to make reading as a family a huge huge huge important activity in your days. I promise you that our family can be way stronger and this is one of the best ways to do it. Read, ponder and pray and amazing things will come to pass in your lives. I have such a strong testimony of the scriptures because I have been reading them like a mad man haha. They are true, they are the words of God and they change lives. Read and then share what you learn with others. Prepare yourselves siempre to be ready to share the gospel because we are all missionaries!! 

So ya I am officially done with 6 meses here in Peru. Wow let me just say that these have been the fastest 6 months of my life and if it gets faster I might as well already be sitting at home haha. I love this mission and I have loved every single second of serving it I have learned so much and I have felt and seen the spirit change lives and that’s why I have a little question for you guys. What would you think about me extending my mission. I am still a long ways off and it’s not for sure but I just want to hear your opinions on it. 6 months down 18 to go!!

So ya this week was good. Keep praying for me and my area and my compañero and we will be just fine. I love you all so much. You guys really are so important to me and that’s one of the reasons why I am here. To strengthen our family!! I hope you all can feel the blessings of my mission in your lives. Well that’s all I’ve got. The church is true and I love you all!!

Much Love

Elder Asher Dean Wilson

Best Part: We now know for sure (almost) that we will be baptising Rony. He is amazing and is feeling the spirit soooo strong!! Keep praying for him!!
Worst Part: Well it’s not really bad for me but my zone leader got robbed this week right down the street from my house!!
Funniest Part: I got nailed by another water balloon while sitting in a resturante

Most Spiritual Part: Our fast this week. We fasted for a lot of things in particular and we saw basically all of them come true!! 

P Day with Elder Huranga and Elder Clawson, both from my group at the CCM.

Elder Mauricio and Elder Wilson

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