Dear Nee Nee,
I'm sorry I haven't written you for a while

Well Asher I love you so much I cant wait to see you when you come back home.
I love you!
Perry girl!!!
Hey you. What the heck I thought that you forgot about me because you haven't wrote me for soooo long!! Looks like everything is going super great for you back at home and just so you know everything is going great for me here in the mission. My companion is great and we should be baptising a few people here pretty soon!! Thats cool that you got to do an art class. I always knew you were super good at art. My favorite food here in called aji de gallina. Well Perry I love you girl. You are so special and so sweet and will always have a place in my heart. Hope you have a great week and never forget to read the Book of Mormon and say your prayers. Love you sooooo much!!
Elder Asher Dean Wilson
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