The zone after a soccer tourney. (Watch out . . . someone gave Elder Wilson a selfie stick! haha!) |
Our team won the tourney! |
Hermano Alejandro . . . Elders Quorum President. |
The district with a selfie stick. |
Well now that I am done reading the book and a half that you wrote me mom I feel like I was at home with you guys last week hahahahaha!!!!
I was so glad to hear that you guys made it back to the states ok and that you guys enjoyed your trip. I am super glad that I didn't get my mission call to Japan because wow that is just a super different life haha. Your next trip as a family has to be to come here to Peru so you can get to know my country!!
So this week I got super sick. Well it was only for like 1 day really bad but I hate being in our house so I just decided that I was better and after a blessing we took off to teach but man I just felt pretty crappy for a few days. I think it was a combination of a few things that I had eaten in the last few days and also I drank some tap water on accident and man that stuff tears you up!! So ya it was lliterally a crappy hahaha few days but now I am much better and feeling good once again.
This week it rained!! Not too much but now everyone is 100 percent sure that El Niño is coming and coming strong haha. I don't know if I bbelieve it or not but yes we are seeing a little bit of rain now.
All is well with Elder Quispe. I don't know but we are thinking that this might be our last week together and that I might be leaving Sullana this next week but we really aren't sure. So for that reason we just had a man to man talk and said all of the things that we needed to change to get the contention out of the way and we have just decided that this week we are going to work together and we aren't going to have any more problems. Hope everything goes good. Pray for us.
All is well with Karen and Ivan. They are still super excited and giving it all they've got to be able to get married and baptised this weekend. They went to church as a family this week and it was so cool to see them all come in and fill up an entire bench haha there are a ton of members and future members in that family. But tomorrow is the baptismal interview for Hermana Karen so please pray so much for her that everything can go good and without problems.
To be completely honest this week was a little rough. We have people progressing and learning and accepting but we struggled to find new people and a lot of our visits fell through but I found peace in some scriptures that I read in the book of John.
John 6; 66-69 says,
66. From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with Him
67. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go back?
68. Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of Eternal life
69. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God
Those scriptures really hit me pretty hard. This mission is far from easy. We must suffer and plead and work and literally give all that is possible to complete with this work and even when we do that all sometimes we just don't have a ton of success. I have been lucky enough to have a ton of success but when the times get tough I'll stand with Simon Peter when he said that there is no other path on which we can truly be happy. We know that this life wasn't meant to be something easy but something to test our faith and patience and to see if we truly love our Savior. I don't care what happens or if it is a good week or a bad week I will never stop working for my God because I know that He will never stop working for me. So ya not the perfect week but we learned a lot and now are much more excited to work this next week because just when it gets hard you know that something great is going to happen soon.
So that's about all this week. Working harder than ever and seeing some success. I just ask that you keep praying for us and also Karen and Hermano Segundo. Sorry for the crappy email haha we trying to do it fast this week because we have a few things to do like buy pumpkins to carve for Halloween hahaha!! Halloween in Sullana!! Hope yall have a great week and remember I'm always praying for you and I love ya a ton!!
Also I want an english himnario in my package please!!
Much Love
Elder Wilson
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