This blog is kept by Elder Asher Wilson's family. It will include his general emails and various pictures. It will be updated each week after each new email is received. We hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Monday. January 4. 2016-Week 73

With Algren.

It fell off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mi Familia

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well it was a very bitter sweet new year for me. Really cool to see a new year coming along like a new slate but also super sad to know that it is my last new year here in the mission. We passed it really good though.........we just  worked our butts off!! Seriously last year we had like a big old party with the members and burnging muñecos and fireworks and a bunch of other crazy things but this year Elder Gandarillas and I made the decision that we were really going to dedicate that time to the Lord by doing His work. So we left early in the morning and worked until the night and it was really an incredible day. It was hard and there were a ton of drunk people but it was a day that I will never forget because I truly came to understand the purpose of my mission. My mission is fun and we really do a ton of cool things but that's not what it's about. The mission that I am serving is about losing yourself in the Lord's purpose and acting with faith to see true miracles come about. So ya it was an awesome new year. By far the best one that I have ever had.

Hey but something super funny also happened a few days ago. So on the first day of the year we went out to teach again and there were just a ton of drunk people laying around in the streets from the parties the night before. There were no cars, no normal people and really no life at all haha. So we were searching around looking for people to teach and out of no where a guy came like speed walking around the corner so we went to catch him and talk to him. Well we started to talk to him and it was obvious to see that he was drunk but we tried to share a little message with him. When we were talking I saw a big stick that he had shoved down the back of his shirt so I asked him why it was there. This guy straight up whips this stick out of his shirt and starts waving it around like a light saber and then out of no where he started fist pumping and yelling THUNDER CATS THUNDER CATS THUNDER CATS hahahhahahahahahahahshahahaha!!!! It was honestly one of the funniest things that I had ever seen in my entire life hahahahah!! Just some of the greatness that we get to see here in the greatest mission on earth or mission Peru Piura. 

This week was the busiest one of my entire mission. Every single day this week we went to a different zone of the mission to do interviews with President. Every 3 months he interviews every single missionary in the mission and we have to go with him to do our part of the interviews. It may not be the most fun activity in the world but it was really good to help president and also to help lots of the missionaries to set some new goals for this year. The mission is seriously looking so good right now!! A few months ago we heard that our mission had some of the lowest numbers in our area of the world but now we have changed our focus and everything has turned around!! We have more investigators, we are working a lot more with the ward and we are baptising much more and really changing the whole mission. It's crazy what a change of attitude can do in life.

Yolanda is doing ok. I don't know how she got so bad with her health but she is pretty weak right now. Even though she is a little weak she is not weak in her spirit. That woman has become a spiritual giant and is really showing her light off to everyone in her path. To her kids, other family and all of her friends she just wants to help everyone to obtain what she has in her life. I love that family so much. Kevin and Yolanda are amazing but please just keep praying for them. Also we have a few sisters that are getting ready for baptism in these next few weeks named Gloria and Pia. They have already seen many miracles in their lives and they are super confident that this is the true church. They are reading and going to church every week!! We are teaching a body builder!!!!! His name is Arturo and even though he is huge he is super sensitive to the spirit and has completely accepted our message. But his dang wife doesn't want to listen to the lecciones with him!! So we are still working there but he has a baptism date for like a month from now. Also this week was super cool because we are finishing up reactivating 2 whole families of people in the church. The 2 of these families have young kids that are 9-10 years old and they haven't been baptised. So we went to visit them this week and put goals with their dads so that they could baptise their kids. It was such a sweet spirit during those talks (even though one of the kids told me that she wanted me to baptise her and not her dad hahaha) but they both have baptism dates for the end of this month!! Their families are active and they are working to get to the temple so that they can be  sealed. That is why I am a missionary. 

Well I've wrote a lot. I had a great long week here in the mission and I hope you guys enjoyed yours. Don't forget to READ your Book of Mormon........READ!! I am always praying for you and cant wait to hear about your goals for the new year!! I love you guys a ton!!

Much Love

Elder Wilson

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