This blog is kept by Elder Asher Wilson's family. It will include his general emails and various pictures. It will be updated each week after each new email is received. We hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday. October 13. 2014-Week 10

Elder Moustacher Wilson
Hey guys!!

Well sounds like another great week in the Wilson house!! Speaking of our house, have we dedicated our home?? If not get on it!! Tell Perry to keep up the good work in school and I love hearing about her prayers. They are seriously felt here every single day so tell her thank you. I also sent a letter for her birthday but it definitely won’t get there on time because Serpost is in strike. I haven’t gotten mail for like a month so when they finally get out of this strike I’ve got a lot of mail coming my way hahaha. And tell Tate to get his butt in gear!! He sounds like me haha girls and terrible at español!! Just kidding I know he’s working hard and I am dang proud of that kid!! But if he needs any Spanish help have him email me. I love hearing about everything at home and I miss it so much!! But I’m not homesick any more, I am here to work and I’ll be home in 2 years haha. I can’t believe Tater won homecoming prince!! That’s so awesome, he’s carrying on my tradition well!! I hope they win their game this week!! And what the heck is up with this new Meet the Mormons movie?!

So this was a long week. First off we had the long 5 hour bus ride there and back to Piura. The busses are so terrible and hot and uncomfortable but we made it haha. It was a fun reunion especially cause I got to see all my friends from the CCM. They are all doing great and slowly learning español just like me!! I always love talking with Presidente Rowley, he’s so awesome and I have a lot of respect for that man. It was a long trip for just a day there but it was well worth it because we got pizza!! I miss American food so much!!

So Pier went to the hospital this week with heart problems. They don’t know exactly what was wrong because Peruvian doctors suck but he’s all good now, but that was a little scary!!

We got to watch conference this ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was such an answer to my prayers. This was the first time Tumbes has ever had conference in English. It was on a little computer in a closet basically but it was amazing. I love hearing the words of the profeta and apostoles, they provide so much guidance in our lives. I got so much out of it and felt the spirit the whole time, it was awesome!! I still want that Ensign though haha.

We had another investigator commit to baptism this week. His name is Alejandro and he is seriously exactly what I would call a golden investigator. He is about 50ish with a family. He has also been studying for the past year to become a catholic minister!! He’s obviously done with that now and is ready to accept baptism into his life. It’s crazy to think that this man has been a die hard catholic for his whole life and all of a sudden in just 2 weeks of lecciones from two kids he wants to be baptized into our church. If that doesn’t attest to the truth and perfection of this church than I don’t know what does. His baptism date is for November the 15th so make sure to keep him in your prayers!!

Also Elder Orellana is requesting a recipe for brownies so if you have one that would be greatly appreciated hahaha.

So that about wraps it up for this week. I am still working hard and not having any problems really. The work is going amazing. I feel so good every day knowing that I am helping other people improve their lives and find happiness. This work is hard but so worth it and I love it!! I love hearing from you guys so much it makes my week!! Keep working hard and choosing the right every day. Every little choice matters so much!!

Oh yes I thought I would let you guys know that I now love fish, bananas, and avocado. Avocado is seriously like my favorite food and I eat it with everything haha!! I am praying for all of you every day here and I hope that all is well with the family. The family is the most important unit in the entire Earth and is also the place where it should be the easiest to feel the spirit so work harder every day to become a tighter family, it’s so important!! I love you all so much and miss you like crazy but I know the Lord is taking care of you all while I’m here. Ok I’ve got to go can’t wait to hear from you next week!! I love you!!

Much Love 

Elder Asher Dean Wilson 

At the chapel in Tumes.

Church building in Tumes.

Part of Asher's area.

Elder Orellana in Tumes.

Elder Wilson's back yard.

He made a sling shot to use if the wild dogs get too close. Ha.

On their 5 hour bus ride to Piura.

It rained!! He said he went outside and just stood in the rain for the longest time.

In Piura with some of the missionaries that he met in the Peru MTC.

Aguas Verdes (the boarder of Ecuador and Peru)

Elder Orellana & Elder Wilson.

This is the bathroom AFTER he scrubbed it.

Another "after" shot.

1 comment:

  1. Love to hear Asher's excitement for the work!! His work ethic is awesome. Hope you get on sending that elder a brownie recipe!
