This blog is kept by Elder Asher Wilson's family. It will include his general emails and various pictures. It will be updated each week after each new email is received. We hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Monday. October 27. 2014-Week 12

At Leos party with Anderson and Genaro

Mi Familia!!!

Hey guys!! Well this week has been anything but slow. Time is seriously starting to move so fast here it’s insane!! I feel like I was just emailing you yesterday!! So it sounds like all is good at home. Tate nice job on the season bud. Sounds like you really made a huge impact on the field and earned some well deserved attention. Now enjoy your break, eat some food you freakin bean pole haha, and get ready to go out and kick some butt with your club team!! I can’t wait to get home and watch your senior season!! Wow that’s a crazy thought haha. And sorry Perry that you had a rough week:( I hate being sick and I know you do to so just remember that your crazy missionary brother is always praying for you. Also this is for Perry: Happy birthday girly!! I can’t believe your turning 9 in 4 days!! That seriously just blows my mind. I wrote you a letter so I’m not going to say too much here but I love you and I hope you have an amazing day!! 

This week was rough for 1 reason. Every single one of our baptism dates fell through. All 4 of them!! They all have the desire to be baptized but every investigator has to attend church 3 times in a row to be baptized and none of them showed up this Sunday. We even went to their houses to pick them up for church!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh it’s so upsetting for me. So it’s time to replan and work with them to set a new date because they all still want to be baptized but I guess this was the Lords way of saying that they’re not ready right now.

We had a reunion de Zona this week in Puyango and that went good. Just our zone leaders telling us to keep working and set higher goals for baptisms and other stuff like that. It was good and our zone leaders have the spirit with them for sure!! They always get me so excited to help the people here!! We also have a new greenie so I am no longer the baby in our area!! He was pretty stressed but I talked to him and hopefully reassured him a little.

We had 2 birthdays this week. First for Elder Moses, hes now 20, and second for Leo, hes a little 6 year old in our ward. It was a good time and we met a lot of new people so hopefully new investigators!! Also a missionary returned from his mission 3 days ago!! His names Danny and he served in Argentina. He’s awesome and he’s already gone on visits with us!! That is way important! I hope Tate goes on visits with our missionaries because it makes a big difference in leccions, and you and dad too!! The español is still coming good and I am seriously understanding so much more and more every day now!! I can’t wait until you guys get to hear me at Christmas!!

I punted a dog this week. We got straight up attacked by a pack of them and I broke my foot off on one of them it was awesome!! This mission is seriously crazy!!!!! We don’t have the same problems in Peru that you have in the US but we have problems that’s for sure haha. This week there were people killed in shootings and drive bys hahaha gotta love my area!!

So that’s it for this week. I am healthy I am happy and I am working my butt of for the Lord. And you can bet that I won’t stop working for him until my life is over because every member of this church is a missionary. Always remember that. Keep saving those shows for me mom and we will have a week of catching up when I get home haha. Well I love you guys and miss you so so so so so so so much it’s crazy!! So ya I love you all I hope you are all doing well at home work and school and sports and I am always praying for you. I hope you have a great week!! 


Elder Asher Dean Wilson

P.S. Someone tell me how my chargers doing in the NFL!!

Moto with a fin #swag

This is where people dump all of their garbage. It just got cleaned out you should have seen it before haha ‏ 

Leo's birthday

Elder Orellana got a little tired during our nightly planning hahahaha

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